Corrections & Clarifications Procedures
1. Filing a Complaint
- Complaints regarding the accuracy or fairness of published content must be submitted in writing to Executive Editor-in-Chief Emily Le Coz at The complaint should include specific details, such as the content in question, the date of publication, and the nature of the concern.
2. Review Process
- Upon receipt of a complaint, the editorial team will review the concern within five business days. This review will include verifying the facts, consulting with reporters or editors involved, and determining whether corrective action is necessary.
3. Resolution
- If the complaint is found valid, a correction, clarification, or retraction will be issued promptly, typically within three business days of the review’s conclusion. The corrective action will be transparent and published prominently alongside the original content, if applicable.
4. Legal Oversight
- In cases involving potential legal implications, the matter will be referred to legal counsel before issuing any public statement or retraction.
5. Recordkeeping
- All complaints and resolutions will be documented and retained for a minimum of one year to inform ongoing quality and editorial improvements.